All Cities in ONtario are offering Grants through affordable housing plan and adu installation. we also offer our services in gta and mississauga as well as the entire niagara region. contact us to learn more details about your city’s grant allowance for adu’s. 

The City of St. Catharines offers an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Grant Program to assist homeowners in constructing additional dwelling units on their properties. This initiative aims to increase the availability of affordable rental housing in the city.

Grant Details:

  • Interior ADUs: Up to 70% of eligible project costs, with a maximum grant of $40,000.

  • Exterior ADUs: Up to 70% of eligible project costs, with a maximum grant of $80,000.

The total cumulative value of the City ADU incentives claimed shall not exceed $80,000 per property.


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Property Location: Must be within the Urban Area Community Improvement Project Area (Urban Area CIPA) of St. Catharines.

  • Property Age: The principal dwelling unit must be at least five years old at the time of application.

  • Compliance: The property must adhere to the location and regulatory use permissions established in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law for accessory dwelling units.

  • Financial Standing: The property owner must not be in arrears of any property taxes, local improvement charges, or any other arrears or charges from the City, Region, or Province.


Application Process:

  1. Consultation: It's recommended to consult with municipal staff before applying to ensure your project aligns with program requirements.

  2. Application Submission: Submit a complete application within 90 days of receiving a Building Permit for the accessory dwelling unit.

  3. Required Documents:

    • Copy of Building Permit plans approved by the Chief Building Official.

    • Current photographs of the proposed building area.

    • Declaration of other incentives received.

    • Declaration of no arrears on the subject property.

    • Detailed estimate of total and eligible project costs.

    • Detailed site plan with building dimensions and setbacks (only for exterior ADUs).

Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to available program budget allocation.


Additional Information:

  • No Retroactive Approval: Do not commence ADU construction prior to formal approval by the municipality, as project costs incurred before approval are not eligible for the grant.

  • Grant Disbursement: The grant is disbursed only after the project is completed and all requirements are met.

For comprehensive details and to access the application form, please refer to the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program Guidelines and the Application Form provided by the City of St. Catharines.

Our services include the permit and ADU grant application process on your behalf. All our installations are turn key while providing close communication with you and the city.